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Condensate is a mixture of light liquid hydrocarbons, similar to a very light (high API) crude oil. It's typically separated out of a natural gas stream at the point of production (field separation) when the temperature and pressure of the gas is dropped to atmospheric conditions. Once separated from natural gas, condensate is generally treated like a crude oil. It can be blended with other heavier crude streams or sent to market directly by pipeline or tanker. Condensate can be processed in a refinery if blended with more conventional crude. Alternatively, it can be sent directly to a condensate splitter for separation into its components.

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Condensates are used as refinery feed stocks for the manufacture of products such as petrol (gasoline), jet fuel, diesel and heating fuels. Some condensates, particularly those with a high paraffin content, are used for the manufacture of ethylene. Condensates are also used to dilute highly viscous heavier oils that cannot otherwise be efficiently transported via pipelines.

You can find some of our Condensate specifications as below:
Kindly note that we're able to supply other Condensate specifications regarding to customer's demands.

Condensate Specifications
Condensate TBP Analysis