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Base oils are used to manufacture products including lubricating greases, motor oil and metal processing fluids. Different products require different compositions and properties of the oil. At present, base oils are divided into two main groups of: mineral base oils and synthetic base oils, from the origin of the production.
MINERAL BASE OILS: Mineral base oils are obtained from a crude oil refining slurry and produced at three levels of quality (I, II & III) using various technologies.
SYNTHETIC OILS: Synthetic oils are produced by chemical methods. The most important synthetic base oils are: poly alpha olefins, esters, and polyalkene glycols. These base oils are used to produce modern lubricants.

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Strong relationships are central to our Base oil business and enable us to respond efficiently to requests of our customers. We have in-depth awareness of market developments through our activities in all major oil trading forums. Complementing this with our worldwide network of partners, we have both global perspective and local insight into real-time market dynamics.
HOMA not only provides the assurance of delivering on specification and on time, but also can facilitate tailor-made pre-financing while associating the necessary risk management packages.

You can find some of our Base oil specifications as below:
Kindly note that we're able to supply other Base oil specifications regarding to customer's demands.

Base Oil Specification 150
Base Oil Specification 350